A downloadable game for Windows

In an era beyond the constraints of time, the Pulsewalkers are the bearers of civilization’s legacy. Each citizen is bonded with a Harmonizer, a mystical companion that not only orchestrates the soundtrack of their lives but also throbs with the tempo of their very essence, guiding them through the rhythm of existence.

    - movement

 - Attack & Interact

 - Jump

 - Respawn


You are a fledgling Pulsewalker, tasked with searching your planet for ancient relics for the sake of the progression of the populace. Your journey leads you to a mysterious catacomb, veiled in shadows and silence, save for the pulsating beat of your Harmonizer.

As you navigate the dark corridors, you uncover the grassroots technology of your species' core technology – the ancient augments. These relics of a bygone era are the keystones of your people’s athleticism, granting abilities that defy the natural order. With each augment discovered, your agility, strength, and acuity increase, allowing you to leap with the grace of the wind and dash with the fury of a storm.

The origins of these augments are shrouded in mystery, their creators lost to the annals of time. Yet, it is said that the catacombs themselves were once a grand archive, a repository of knowledge and power. Now, they stand as a testament to the ingenuity of the ancients, holding the secrets to the Pulsewalkers’ prowess.

Your quest is full of dangers, to the point where you have become trapped within them. The catacombs are alive with cunning traps – latent heat plates that can sear the unwary and laser defenses that slice through the air with deadly precision. Yet, your Harmonizer is your sanctuary, a shield against the darkness. Should you falter, its melody will carry you to safety, resetting your path to the last haven you touched.

To escape, you must find different keys, each resonating with the harmonics of the catacombs. These keys are the conduits to unlocking the sealed doors that stand between you and the world above. They are the harmony to the catacombs’ dissonance, the silence to their cacophony.

The Pulsewalker’s journey is a symphony of discovery, a dance through the shadows in search of the light. In this timeless odyssey, the music is your guide, and the beat is your path to salvation.


Avelion: Gameplay Programming, Level Design

Curtis: Audio, UI Programming

Nexreon: Art, Animation, Environment

ZeggyGames: Reference material for character animations

Nekromanta_UTS: Itch page character art

GPT: Jam Page writing assistance

Updated 1 day ago
Published 12 days ago
StatusIn development
Authorscurtissmithsound, Nexreon, Avelion114


PulseWalker_05.zip 279 MB

Development log

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